Welcome to Brant and Abby's Blog.

This blog is for each of you who have supported this mission. Thank you so much for your love, support, and especially prayers. "The Prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Water Balloon Fights and Laundry Day

     I hope you are all having a great weekend. Yesterday the weather was rainy, but we definitely needed it because our water was very low. School is finally out so I don't know what we will be doing to fill our mornings. I hope we will get to go on more home visits. I love getting to know the kids in the program personally.
    Thursday the tutor kids came over after school. While one of the missionaries was working with them on math me and Sonia (another missionary) filled up a few water balloons to surprise them with. However, the kids found us before we were ready and a few water balloons turned into an all out water war. Thankfully it was the hottest day since we've been here so it felt nice. Brant, stayed dry, while I of course was soaked. The kids had a blast and it was a fun way to end the year.
    Today (Saturday) was also a wet morning. Brant and I did laundry. I don't think anyone in Ethiopia own a washer or dryer, all laundry is done by hand. I will never complain about doing laundry again. We spent an hour washing and rinsing all of our clothes and then we hung them up on the three clothes lines at the guesthouse. Unfortunately one of the lines broke so we had to rewash about 1/3 of the clean clothes. It was definitely an adventure and I can't say that I'm looking forward to laundry day next week. Brant and I both walked away with a few bloody knuckles due to the plastic buckets we had to carry. Their edges were surprisingly sharp!
     Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. We went up to the school to play with them on their break and had a lot of fun with them but man did they wear us out. As soon as you step outside you are surrounded by kids trying to climb on you and touch your hair or swing on your arms. yesterday, we got to the school while the kids were in class so we enjoyed some peace and quiet for a few minutes. When we sat on the bench outside two little boys came and sat on each side of Brant. They were probable about 3 and 5 years old. They never said a word but they were very ticklish and loved playing with and holding Brant's huge hands!
    God is teaching us so much and I am so in love with the kids here. They are so precious and super friendly. I am excited to see what will happen next week!

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