Welcome to Brant and Abby's Blog.

This blog is for each of you who have supported this mission. Thank you so much for your love, support, and especially prayers. "The Prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Time Has Come!

The big day is finally here! If I could put into words how amazed I am at the amount of prayer support and financial support I have felt this past week I would. The Lord is so wonderful! He has not only blessed Brant and I with the $8000 we needed for our intial cost but he has given us enough to take some money from generous people to use to bless the people we come into contact with!

I am so pumped for this journey. I know I will learn a lot about myself, brant and about life in a whole new culture. I am extremely nervous abour traveling. I haven't ever traveled this far in my life and I haven't ever traveled on a plane without my parents. This is something I am definately trusting the Lord to help me with.

I don't know when I will be able to update again. Brant and I should be leaving on our first flight at 1:00PM tomorrow (sunday) and landing in Ethiopia at 1:00PM Monday. Pray that travel is smooth and complication free. Pray for our parents and friends that we are leaving behind; pray that the Lord would give them peace of mind about the safety of their babies : )

Thank you so much for supporting this adventure!

I love you all!


Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome with evil; overcome evil with good"

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