Welcome to Brant and Abby's Blog.

This blog is for each of you who have supported this mission. Thank you so much for your love, support, and especially prayers. "The Prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Exam week

So far we have spent most of our time this week at BCI academy. It is so funny to see the difference in the kids at school and when we visit them at home. They barely say a word at home and then when we go to school we have to pry the kids off of us as we leave. They really like to touch our hair. One boy climbed up the window to reach Brant's head. One of the missionaries here has an Ethiopian friend named Sam, and he asked Brant if his hair was real. HA!
The third grade girls at school have taught me a few of the games they play. I am much better at the hand clap games than the foot/dancing games. They asked me to dance with them and when I tried they all bent over laughing at my terrible dance moves. they still told me I was a good dancer, but I think it was because they wanted me to dance more with them.
We are having an awesome time and in the evenings we get to relax. It is really strange to sit around and not do anything. In America we can pull out our computers, or turn on the TV or put in a movie really easily where as we can't really do that here. It's kind of nice to just relax. We have noticed that the people in this culture are very chill. They are rarely on time and most of the time when you ask them what's on the agenda they don't really know. This is hard for me because I love to have everything planned and scheduled out far in advanced but I am getting used to it and learning to just go with the flow (which Brant is already a pro at).

Hope you are having a great week!
Praise the Lord that Karen is feeling better! Please pray for the BCI staff as they begin to make plans to move ahead with an add on to their school. They met with the mayor and have been given more land to add a high school and preschool to the BCI program.

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