Welcome to Brant and Abby's Blog.

This blog is for each of you who have supported this mission. Thank you so much for your love, support, and especially prayers. "The Prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shots Shots Shots!

I feel like the abominable snowman! I have been vaccinated for Polio, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and I have medicine to take for malaria prevention. Brant and I also have some intense bug spray to keep as many mosquitoes away from us as possible.
Shots are not the only thing we have been preparing for. After receiving our trip kits I realized there are several things I needed to be sure and get. The first being packaged meat. Meat in Ethiopia is extremely rare and very expensive so it is much cheaper and safer for us to bring packaged meat. We are required to bring at least 7 cans of meat each so after hunting around Sam’s Club I bought 10 cans of chicken and 8 cans of tuna. I also bought a huge box of fruit snacks and two boxes of crackers. These snack we will take with us when we got to visit the children in their homes. I am looking forward to taking the books I have bought and reading to the kids while enjoying a fun treat.
Brant and I get four 50lb bags each and these bags of luggage can’t exceed 50lbs. This has been quite the challenge for me because I am a heavy packer. However, I have learned over the past couple of days how to pack lighter. The only thing left to pack are last minute items and clothing.  J
We each also recieved our trip kits which included a shirt and plane tickets and a book that has a page dedicated to each child in BCI's program. I have not even met these children and yet my heart is already borken for the hardships they have had to face early in their lives. I know the Lord is watching over them and I am so excited to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these kids!

Please continue to pray for safe travels. Brant and I have never traveled without at "grown up" before let alone had to take three flights and find our way through two foreign airports! Also pray that the Lord would continue preparing our hearts for all the things we will be experienceing over the next 6 weeks : )

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