Welcome to Brant and Abby's Blog.

This blog is for each of you who have supported this mission. Thank you so much for your love, support, and especially prayers. "The Prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Everything is Smaller in Ethiopia

Something Brant and I have noticed over the past few weeks is that everything in this country is smaller. The people are smaller, especially the children! The cars are smaller. The vegetables are smaller, especially potatoes.  The Cows are 3 times smaller. The cats are tiny! The roads are smaller (But in much better condition than the roads in Missouri oddly enough) The busses are smaller. The notebooks are smaller. The coffee cups are smaller.  The Soccer balls are smaller. The chairs are shorter. The list goes on.
                There is one thing that is much bigger here than in America and that is selflessness. Even though the people here have very little the first they do is give you whatever they have when you visit their home. Sometimes it’s bread, or seeds or popcorn or coffee or tea but they offer whatever they have. They also give the guest the best seat in the house and constantly ask if you need anything. They also will always help a neighbor. Several times we have been in a home where the mom has told us that her neighbor has lent her money for medicine or rent. They also don’t pester the family to pay them back.
                Something else that is smaller here is crime. Since we have been here I have not seen or heard about a single crime, small or big. The people her e are very respectful of one another. They are also extremely fair. Here is would be really easy to rip us white people off but they always give us correct pricing and change even when we are alone.  I wonder how different America would be with the crime rate they have here and the willingness to help a neighbor out.
                During our last week here I think I will be teaching in the morning and hopefully going on a few homevisits in the afternoon. We also have activity day on Thursday which should be the best day yet since all of the kids will be together to have fun.
Pray for safe travels next Monday and that we would continue to stay healthy. Also pray for more sponsors. One of the social workers has 11 kids and out of her 11 kids only 2 are 1/3 sponsored. Pray that people would be willing to sacrifice to send the kids to school, fill their bellies and keep them healthy.

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